Daycare Insurance in Colorado Springs

Daycare insurance shields your childcare center from costly claims related to child injuries, property damage, and liability issues.

Secure Your Colorado Springs Daycare Today - Request Your Free Quote!

Why Your Colorado Springs Daycares Needs Specialized Insurance

Even the most vigilant childcare providers can encounter unexpected incidents or accidents. Without adequate insurance, your daycare could face devastating financial consequences from medical bills, legal fees, or damage claims that could threaten your entire operation.

Daycare insurance offers vital protection against:

  • Child Injury Claims: If a child is hurt while in your care, this coverage can help with medical expenses and potential legal costs.
  • Property Damage Coverage: Protects your facility and equipment against fire, theft, or natural disasters.
  • Professional Liability Claims: Safeguards against allegations of negligence or failure to provide proper care.
  • Food-Related Illness Claims: Covers incidents related to food preparation or allergic reactions.

Without tailored daycare insurance, your Colorado Springs childcare center could be one incident away from closing its doors.

Defend the nurturing environment you've created with a comprehensive policy designed for your specific needs.

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Is Your Colorado Springs Daycare in Need of This Coverage?

While Colorado doesn't mandate all types of insurance for daycares, it's an essential risk management strategy for childcare businesses of any size.

Ensure your Colorado Springs daycare is adequately protected if you:

✓ Provide care for infants, toddlers, or preschoolers

✓ Operate from a dedicated facility or your home

✓ Employ teachers, assistants, or support staff

✓ Offer transportation services for children

✓ Prepare or serve meals and snacks

✓ Have outdoor play areas or equipment

✓ Host field trips or special events

✓ Advertise your services online or in print

✓ Interact with parents and guardians daily

If any of these apply to your Colorado Springs daycare, operating without comprehensive insurance coverage could put your business at serious financial and reputational risk.

Protect your daycare and your peace of mind - get insured now.

Obtain Coverage Effortlessly with EJC Insurance & Financial

At EJC Insurance & Financial, we recognize that as a Colorado Springs daycare provider, your focus should be on nurturing children.

That's why we've simplified the process of securing daycare insurance, allowing you to concentrate on what you do best - providing a safe, enriching environment for the children in your care.

Secure Your Colorado Springs Daycare Today - Request Your Free Quote!

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Our clients have only the best things to say about our firm. Here are just a few of their words.


Jessica Heddins

If there ever where a company and people to go above and beyond their job it’s the EJC team! The amount of information and eagerness to uphold the quality of customer service this gal has is truly remarkable!


LM Miller

The EJC team are such a wonderful group of people! I have felt like part of the family immediately upon contacting them and they also had lower rates than anyone else when I shopped around! Overall, they offer better value and the BEST customer service!! You can’t beat that!!


Lorraine Amos

Heather Fix and Rob Edgin with Edgin Insurance is absolutely one of the best companies I have ever worked with.  They are truly professional and extremely good at what they do.  Edgin Insurance handles all my properties and cars to include Financial advise.  I would recommend them to anyone!


Betty Fix

I have had ALL my insurance with Edgin for a long time.  They have always done a great job. Heather Fix is a professional and will not sell you something you don’t need.  She will work hard for you to get the best coverage for the best price.  If you need any kind of insurance call Heather Fix she will take good care of you.


Travis Froehlich

Edgin Financial and Insurance is amazing, especially Lisa!  Being a realtor, it's nice to have multiple vendors to refer to my clients for products and services.  The Edgin has never let me down with quick and clear communication to my clients.  And everyone I have referred that have spoken with Lisa have nothing but great things to say.


Tiffany & Antoinne Glover

The only reason we gave them a 5 Star was because there wasn’t a 10 to choose from. Their products are top notch not to mention their incredible service. Heather is an amazing addition to this fantastic company. Highly recommend.


Nick Kout

Tanisha has taken care of all of my insurance needs for 10years. Her accuracy and attention to detail is second to none. I have many classic cars, regular cars , recreational vehicles,  home, life , and no matter the amount of changes she and Robert always do what’s best for me!!!! Great company, great people!!!!


Ayana Hinton

Kaysia was the most helpful person in walking me through the steps of what I needed to do to get into my first house insurance wise. I had a million questions and she answered them all throughly and really calmed my nerves about the whole process. Definitely recommend this institution for anyone looking to get insurance!!


Mitchell McCombs

Kaysia was great! We went over all the possible scenarios for getting car insurance + homeowners insurance. Their homeowner may insurance is very strong and it’s something that I will revisit in the future. Unfortunately I went elsewhere just because of my current circumstances, but I would recommend them to anyone inquiring about insurance! It was a very pleasant meeting and their response time is very very good!

Ready to get started?

Financial success and peace of mind is not unattainable.

With the proper guidance from our of team of financial and insurance experts, you'll be able to set out a plan that works for you and your family.

Financial Planning to outline your goals, ambitions, and most importantly, prepare for your future.
Retirement Planning where we design a plan that helps you create an income you can't outlive.
Auto, home and life insurance analysis and recommendations for the best combination of coverage and price.
Investment management and portfolio analysis to get the most out of your investments without unnecessary risk.

A 529 Plan Offers the Following:

Did you know that you can use 529 savings plans to save on taxes when paying tuition at private K-12 schools? Our advisers can help you:
To ensure that you reach your education-related goals, it's essential to consult with a knowledgeable adviser. At EJC, our team is dedicated to helping you: